It is easy to build your own Porsche 356 ENGINE with the Maestro's step-by-step videos. Learn how to do a complete overhaul, teardown & reassembly (it's directly applicable to 912's, and very helpful for 914's and VW's too!).
The Maestro's EPIC 10-hour, 5-DVD Set showing how to do a Complete Overhaul, TEARDOWN & REASSEMBLY of a PORSCHE 356 ENGINE (it's directly applicable to 912's, and very helpful for 914's and VW's too!). Shows Machine Shop Operations, WEBER CARBURETOR and ".050" DISTRIBUTOR Installation. Includes Fire-Up. 10 HOURS OF VALUABLE INFORMATION equal to THREE "TITANICS" that you'll WANT to watch.
PART 1 -- Engine Disassembly and Inspection - $30.00 PART 2 -- Machine Shop and Preliminary Work - $30.00 PART 3 -- Lower End Assembly (Up to the pistons) - $30.00 PART 4 -- Top End Assembly and Sheet Metal - $30.00 PART 5 -- Installing Webers, .050 Distributor and Fire-Up - $30.00
SPECIAL OFFER: All 5 two-hour tapes for only $125! (Now, that's a Deal!)
The Maestro's Tune-Up Tape or DVD shows how to do a Porsche 356/912 Tune Up, using his Super-Duper Super-90 Engine, tastefully GOLD PLATED AT Reasonable Cost, and heretofore seen only at the 1984 Stanford Design Conference! This engine MUST be seen. Words alone cannot describe it!|Tape also includes the "SPEEDSTER '+' the Story behind One Man's Concept of The Ideal Speedster- Eleven Years in the making. Compares Dellorto and Weber Carburetors. Shows the "WAILING WALL" of 4-CAM CARRERA ENGINES, when it existed. Includes an inspection of a PORSCHE INDUSTRIAL ENGINE used by the Luftwaffe for "APU's" (AUXILIARY POWER UNIT) for F-104 jets.
The Tune Up Video, approx. 2-HOURS LONG, ONLY $30.00
A 2+-hour Video or DVD of the Best (or Worst) examples of the Maestro's Collection of Failed Porsche Engine Parts. See those Failures caused by Nature, and those caused by Human Ignorance or Stupidity. Find out why Stupidity always causes the worst Failures. (In other words, TURKEYS.) See the Broken Cranks. See the almost Broken Crank, held together by a mere thread. See the Connecting Rod SPLIT down the Middle from a minor modification. Witness the Cylinder Head, BROKEN in half by a machine shop trying to remove guides The WRONG way. Find out why Big Bore Kits fail one way and SC/912 Pistons fail a different way.You name the Porsche 356/912 Engine Part that failed on YOUR car- it's probably on this Tape! The "356/912 ENGINE, 'EXPLODED' View" Video
Only: $30.00.
Consider the THOUSANDS of Dollars you'll save by doing it yourself, the Right Way, the First Time!